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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Business Transformation
Business Cases

We empower your business using Artificial Intelligence to solve your unique problems and drive change.

CodeLink specializes in developing, evaluating, optimizing, fine-tuning, and deploying state-of-the-art AI systems that can transform your business. Our expertise in AI enables us to offer comprehensive services that help you to leverage AI to move further ahead in your industry.

What we focus on

Large Language Models (LLM)

We stay current with the latest in LLM and have built applications on top of paid services such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, or open-source solutions such as LLaMA, Alpaca, or Stability AI. We have also utilized autonomous libraries such as LangChain and Auto-GPT.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

We use state-of-the-art models like BERT, RoBERTa, BART and T5 to handle various NLP tasks like news article summarization, duplicate document filtering, sentiment analysis, extractive question answering.


We use different models to convert written text into spoken words, applying different Spectrogram and Vocoder models such as Tacotron2, WaveGlow, FastPitch, and HifiGan.


We use models and tools like Whisper AI to turn spoken words into written text, which can be used to automatically add captions to voice data or analyze what’s being said.

Document AI

We take advantage of the latest models and techniques like OCR, LayoutLM, Donut for document processing to extract structured information, answer questions, classify and more from your pdf or image documents.

Generative AI

We use models for tasks like generating AI images based on photo files, categorizing images, adding captions to images, and converting text to images or images to other images.

Face Recognition & Full-Body Tracking

We utilize computer vision solutions including facial landmark detection with MediaPipe and pose estimation with OpenPose to track faces, hand gestures, and poses in real-time for various applications.

Image Object Detection & Classification

We use lightweight computer vision models like YOLO, MobileNet, EfficientNet to detect, segment and classify objects in images or video frames in real-time.

MLOps & LLMOps

We have deployed multiple production models to different cloud platforms, set up for monitoring and maintaining. We also make sure these systems are cost-effective and high-performing.

Machine Learning Tools

We utilize tools such as Hugging Face, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch for data preparation, model selection, experimentation, training, and deployment & maintenance.

Data Management & Processing

We have built data pipelines, managed and analyzed the stored data, and processed large datasets.

Large Language Models (LLM)

We stay current with the latest in LLM and have built applications on top of paid services such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, or open-source solutions such as LLaMA, Alpaca, or Stability AI. We have also utilized autonomous libraries such as LangChain and Auto-GPT.


We use different models to convert written text into spoken words, applying different Spectrogram and Vocoder models such as Tacotron2, WaveGlow, FastPitch, and HifiGan.

Document AI

We take advantage of the latest models and techniques like OCR, LayoutLM, Donut for document processing to extract structured information, answer questions, classify and more from your pdf or image documents.

Face Recognition & Full-Body Tracking

We utilize computer vision solutions including facial landmark detection with MediaPipe and pose estimation with OpenPose to track faces, hand gestures, and poses in real-time for various applications.

MLOps & LLMOps

We have deployed multiple production models to different cloud platforms, set up for monitoring and maintaining. We also make sure these systems are cost-effective and high-performing.

Data Management & Processing

We have built data pipelines, managed and analyzed the stored data, and processed large datasets.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

We use state-of-the-art models like BERT, RoBERTa, BART and T5 to handle various NLP tasks like news article summarization, duplicate document filtering, sentiment analysis, extractive question answering.


We use models and tools like Whisper AI to turn spoken words into written text, which can be used to automatically add captions to voice data or analyze what’s being said.

Generative AI

We use models for tasks like generating AI images based on photo files, categorizing images, adding captions to images, and converting text to images or images to other images.

Image Object Detection & Classification

We use lightweight computer vision models like YOLO, MobileNet, EfficientNet to detect, segment and classify objects in images or video frames in real-time.

Machine Learning Tools

We utilize tools such as Hugging Face, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch for data preparation, model selection, experimentation, training, and deployment & maintenance.

How we can apply AI to transform your business

Identify areas for optimization or automation

Our new AI models have the capability to solve problems that are impossible for traditional software. We will collaborate with you to understand your business domain and determine where AI can be utilized.

Assess AI models

Our team has the knowledge and experience to research and select state-of-the-art models that meet your business needs.

Data Engineering

We have data engineering expertise to support you in collecting data from multiple sources, transforming it, and feature engineering for model training and evaluation.

Deploy, Monitor & Maintain

We will assist in deploying your models to cost-effective platforms, continue monitoring model prediction performance, and establish pipelines for improving models and data to handle evolving real-world scenarios.








Products Built


AI & ML Dev Iterations

Business cases we empowered with AI

Generating AI Art

We stay current with the latest in LLM and have built applications on top of paid services such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, or open-source solutions such as LLaMA, Alpaca, or Stability AI. We have also utilized autonomous libraries such as LangChain and Auto-GPT.

Automating Marketing Lead Generation

We use AI to guide large language models to complete multiple steps and tasks in the lead generation pipeline.

Learning Languages with a Virtual Tutor

We used emotion detection, speech-to-text, and text analysis to grade answers, provide feedback, and make recommendations for language learners.

News Aggregation via Audio

We collected voice talent recordings, fine-tuned text-to-speech models to generate top-quality audio, and used models to curate and summarize text news content to listeners through audio.

Orchestration Platform

We used LLM as a controller and employed various models to oversee communication in major financial institutions. These models ranged from fraud identification to information condensation and suggested next-best actions for users.

Interview Preparation for Candidates

We used computer vision, face tracking, emotion detection speech-to-text, and text analysis to assess and support interview candidates in perfecting their interview skills.

Customer Support for Non-Native Speakers

We used LLM models to assist customer support in generating responses that fit with the brand tone and suggested accurate responses for user requests.

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